to Possible

Neurostrategies for Healing, Humor, and a Reimagined Life.

Letter To My Readers

Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. Francis of Assisi
This is what happened to me. I took life into my own hands. I never thought that one day I would call myself an author. Thank you for trusting in me and reading this book about pushing through and the journey of healing.
Why did I write this book?

Simple. I faced one of the greatest challenges anyone can face. I heard one of the most terrifying medical diagnoses anyone can hear. I had an ‘impossible’ brain tumor.

And in that single moment, I surprised myself.

I refused to accept that my condition was hopeless. That my condition was impossible. That my life was going to be shortened. That I didn’t have much of a future to look forward to.

I had spent an entire career making impossible challenges possible – pushing through at all costs. Ironically, it was my ‘push through’ mindset that may have been a major contributing factor for the prognosis I was given.

And equally, ironically it would be my ‘push through’ mindset that would restore my body and my brain.

When I heard my neurosurgeon say the word ‘impossible’ I decided to fight back. I decided to go from ‘impossible’ to ‘possible.’

And I did.

So again, why am I writing this book?

I want to give you hope and faith. I want to help you believe that anything is possible, even when you’re told it’s not, even when you’re told it’s impossible.

We all have different things we have to push through.

I bet many of you have faced health challenges, long haul COVID, working from home with kids, partners, pets all around you, the uncertainty of a job, the pressures of a corporate career, the fear of starting a business and so much more. We never know what will change the course of our lives.

Ultimately, this book is a blend of science and story.

We have the power to heal from within. We have the power to cope with stressors and respond and master stress.

The belief that we can change, and then actually take steps to change is one of the hardest things we face. But let me tell you, whatever it is you face, you can tackle it.  You have choices, many choices. We have the power to rewire our brain which is called neuroplasticity.

By telling my story, sharing the exact steps I took, the life and lifestyle changes I made to go from impossible to possible, and even to thriving, is hopefully an opportunity to provide practical solutions to those times when you just think, “Oh, how am I going to get through this? How on earth am I going to make it through to the other side?”

Life is a journey.

Today I can say that I have worked with thousands of coaches, professionals, business owners – people like you who are looking for science-based strategies to change from an unhealthy life to a happy and fulfilled life.

I invite you to join me on this journey to health, healing, and a reimagined life, whereas Hippocrates once said, “Healing is a matter of time, but it is also sometimes a matter of opportunity.”

What They’re Saying

Impossible to put down! Sue’s vulnerable memoir takes its readers on a journey beginning with her heart and finishing with her savvy, expert, proficient brain.

Ariane Brittany, Co-founder, San Diego Brain Club.
I have been inspired by Sue’s remarkable healing journey. Her story is a testament to the power of taking charge of your well-being.
Montserrat Auso, Leadership Development Consultant and Coach.
I came to know Sue in the midst of her transition – when she arrived at the Hudson Institute of Coaching. Since that time, Sue has summoned the fortitude, gained the knowledge (coaching, neuroscience, humor), and applied it through practice, to move from burnout and overwhelm, to a place of calm, levity, focused energy, and a passion to enjoy life. She is a gem and I’m glad that she’s decided to share her insights and journey with all of us.
Pete Berridge, MAPP, PCC, Co-Founder of Change Positive and designer of the Shift Positive 360.
Sue Stevenson takes us on a riveting journey of healing, hope, and humor. Let her experience be a wake-up call for all high-performing women who continue to aggressively push through every challenge indiscriminately despite the cost to relationships, health, and happiness.
Karyn Buxman, neurohumorist, and wife of the devilishly handsome author of the mega, world-changing bestseller 1001 Ways to Be Romantic.

If your body or mind is telling you it’s suffering, that will be true. Stress doesn’t come free. There is a toll to pay.

This book shows us how to listen to our bodies, combat stress, and make positive changes. Sue shows us nothing is impossible.

Yvonne JW Birrell Founder of The Birrell Collection and lifelong friend of the author.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Sue Stevenson since 2016 when we were in the first cohort of professionals being certified as coaches in C-IQ (Conversational Intelligence). I cannot think of a better human being to write ‘this’ book. Sue has the highest acumen and foundation in brain research and neuroscience, and how to apply those principles to everyday life. She blends humor, kindness, a sensitivity of spirit, and a laser-focused style of expression that leaves the recipient feeling at ease, better at that moment than before, and inspired to learn more. I have known Sue as she transitioned from land-based living to life on a sailboat, and as she navigated work role shifts, all with grace and ease and looking forward to the future. I hope that you are as keen as I am to read her first book! With Warm Aloha, (Ms.)
Rickie’ Banning, Certified C-IQ Coach, Corporate Trainer, Consultant-CEO of aodglobal LLC
Sue Stevenson has a vibrant, vivid way of telling her story. I felt I was right with her, with all of the sights and sounds. I kept wanting to read more as she drew me into her personal journey, yet interspersed with moments we can all relate to.
Wayne Connell - Author of But You LOOK Good and Founder, President, and CEO of the Invisible Disabilities Association.
I have seen firsthand how Sue steps out of her comfort zone, shows courage and resilience, and demonstrates true leadership and an adventurous spirit in helping others.
Linda Cruse, International humanitarian, leadership expert, and author.
Very engaging. You have a wonderful storytelling style that drew me in. You are great at creating suspense and anticipation! And I thought your story of having so much success but describing the real cost of that was a great setup for your intent to have a “wakeup call” chapter and lessons learned. From my perspective, it seems like you are on the right track for your intent with this project. This definitely makes me want to know what happens next and read the rest of the story. Thanks again for the opportunity to be an early reader!
Alison Book, Northern Academy, UC Davis.

My experience of Sue is that she doesn’t give up. On coaching clients or on herself. And that is an important lesson for all of us.

Alisdair Smith, Mentor Coach and Facilitator, NeuroLeadership Institute.
Sue has a story to share that can help other women along their career trajectory and life journey. I have known and worked with Sue since 2016 and can confirm she has built a life of resiliency filled with humor, hope & happiness.
Susan Curtin, Leadership Coach, Insights4Results.
You are an amazing coach and role model to us all!
Anita Curle, B.A., ACC Master Facilitator & Brain-Based Coach.
Her doctor had given her alarming news. Impossible? Not to Sue Stevenson! Read her inspiring story, and learn life-transforming lessons, in this wonderful book.
Greg Godek, husband and cabana boy of Karyn Buxman, the curly blonde neurohumorist who is changing the world...oh, and he’s the author of some little self-published book called 1001 Ways to be Romantic.

Sue Stevenson’s story offers inspiration, hope, and specific steps we can all take to live our best lives. A personal triumph. Vulnerable, honest, and insightful.

Heidi Hanna, NY Times bestselling author.

Sue’s career as an extraordinary female leader faced with high levels of corporate stress led to a challenging health diagnosis. Generally, data shows that as stress increases, resilience falls accordingly. Yet, Sue has shown amazing coping skills in dealing with adversity. In Impossible to Possible she chronicles her amazing journey to a healthier, happier, less stressful lifestyle.

Dr. Evian Gordon MD, PhD; Founder, Chairman and Chief Medical Officer, Total Brain. Author "Integrative Neuroscience: bringing together biological, psychological and clinical models of the human brain." (Harwood academic press, London 2000) and who set up the first standardized International Human Brain database and has over 250 publications.

If you are prone to have your “drive” take you into overdrive, read this book. Learn from Sue’s experience: managing your success may be more critical than achieving your success.

Judy Issokson, EDD, PCC, Principal, Issokson, and Associates.
A compelling book from someone who has been in the trenches and found a better way. Read this book and put its great wisdom to work for you.
Eric Karpinski, Author of Put Happiness to Work; 7 Strategies to Elevate Engagement for Optimal Performance.
A must-read for women looking to make a change. I met Sue professionally upon her arrival to San Diego and have watched her methodically assess her situation and make dramatic changes to her career and personal life with the same drive and enthusiasm upon which she built her career. The level of change and commitment to a new path, a path that prioritized her health and wellbeing has been an inspiration and a blessing to be a part of over our 10-year friendship.
Michelle Hays, Consulting CFO.

I just love how many options for action steps Sue gives people. When attached to the emotionally insightful self-assessments, it’s a beautiful combination of left-brain, right-brain interests that should appeal to just about any and everyone.

Michael Madden D.C., Functional Medicine Specialist.

Chapters jam-packed with stories and the levity of just the right amount of text, Sue’s writing is entertaining, encouraging, and relatable. To put this book down, I found it impossible.

Deb Maggio, Communications and Development Manager, Chautauqua County Dept. of Mental Hygiene.

Sue’s memoir elegantly conveys both raw vulnerability, and jaw-dropping tenacity in equal measures. This book should be required reading for anyone coping with workaholism, trauma, chronic illness, crippling analysis paralysis, or simply wishing to embrace their inner entrepreneur. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to not feel utterly inspired by this compelling tale of radical, Herculean self-healing and discovery. Ms. Stevenson’s honest, hopeful, and accessible tale is the perfect antidote to these wildly uncertain times.

ME Law, Songwriter/singer multi-instrumentalist.

A delicious and nutritious tale of life mastery! Sue puts down on paper what so many of us know and are afraid to say- modern “success” comes at a steep price and with a lifestyle that conflicts with our biological needs and well-being. This beautiful story and guide for a rediscovery of wellness is a critical tool for all corporate professionals.

Tatyana Lebel, Sue’s lifelong mentee, HR transformation leader, and technology innovator.

If you want to create REAL change, Sue’s book has it all! The most comprehensive self-help book out there! And it works! She has proven that!! A truly WOW read! Sue’s book is a thoughtfully constructed comprehensive discussion of everything it takes to create REAL change in your life. She is living proof that this works!

Roni Mayben, President/Owner, Heritage Senior Care, Inc.

Prepare for a riveting journey in this book that features the engaging and spirited writing style of the author, Sue Stevenson. As women today face increasing stress and burnout challenges, this treasured book is a “must-read.” It provides both powerful insights and restorative healing energy strategies that will most certainly make a difference for all who have the good fortune to read it.

Mary Kay Morrison Educator: Humor Quest Founder, Director Author of numerous books including Legacy of Laughter: A Grandparent Guide and Playbook.

This is a first-hand account of Sue’s fall into a deep fog of health challenges and mental distress and her life-changing journey to healing herself — and her brain. No matter how serious the situation, Sue has a knack for telling a great story with humor. Enjoy.

Carolyn Tilden, Founder, CataQuest Consulting.

By describing events that shaped her life, Sue illustrates, with stunning precision, the organizational conditions and practices that have fueled an epidemic of burnout and caused today’s great resignation.

Jeff Salters, President of Development Quest, LLC.

Prepare for a riveting journey in this book that features the engaging and spirited writing style of the author, Sue Stevenson. As women today face increasing stress and burnout challenges, this treasured book is a “must-read.” It provides both powerful insights and restorative healing energy strategies that will most certainly make a difference for all who have the good fortune to read it.

Molly Rose Teuke, MA, certified brain-based coach, writer, teacher.
Sue views situations from a unique perspective. You will come away with a broader viewpoint!
Lynne Pratt, HR director, Affinity Bioscience.